Board & Advisory Committee

Willis Ambogo

Willis Ambogo

Jophece Yogo

Jophece Yogo

Amos Omore

Amos Omore

Anne Marie Nyamu

Anne Marie Nyamu

Elizabeth Rege

Elizabeth Rege

Lusike Wasilwa

Lusike Wasilwa

Wanjiru Kamau

Wanjiru Kamau


Willis Ambogo


Jophece Yogo

Jophece Yogo is an experienced governance and management practitioner and a Certified Secretary. His experience covers both the public and private sector areas. He has served in the corporate secretarial profession in different capacities and is a founding member of the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya (ICPSK) and a former chairman of the Registration of Certified Public Secretaries Board (RCPSB). Mr Yogo is a certified governance trainer, a governance auditor and consultant. He has served in various capacities at ICPSK, both in the Council and Committees. He has made valuable contribution in the development of the Certified Secretary profession over the years and spent over six years at the secretariat of Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) where he provided secretarial and technical support in the development of technical and other policy development initiatives to grow the Institute. Mr Yogo qualified as a Certified Secretary in 1989 and has remained an active member of the profession since then. He has also been actively involved in strengthening governance practices in the co-operative sector, working together with the Co-operative University College and Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) to train board members in good governance practice since 2012. He has participated in a number of conferences and workshops, both as a trainer and participant.


Amos Omore

Amos is a veterinary epidemiologist with over 20 years’ experience in research for development concerned with improvement of livestock-dependent livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa. Most of his career has been devoted to seeking and facilitating action on pro-poor constraints facing value chain actors, with a focus on agricultural systems where dairying is important. In this connection, he previously led dairy policy rationalization and harmonization across Eastern and Central Africa countries for several years. He is currently based at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) Tanzania office where he contributes to generating technical and institutional options for improving livestock value chains, leads the dairy value chain research for development components, besides representing ILRI in the country. He holds a PhD in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics; MSc. in Animal Production and a Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine. Amos has also acquired soft skills in facilitating groups to reach sustainable agreements and in mentoring.


Anne Marie Nyamu

Anne Marie is a professional communication consultant, who specialises in scientific editing and writing, publishing, and training for national, regional and international institutions. She has worked in various capacities, situations, and geographies for the past 25 years. She has been a correspondent for the largest paper in East Africa; taught at a university; written and edited for a CGIAR centre; edited a wide range of papers; and conducted training in gender-responsiveness in agriculture and scientific communication, in addition to developing training modules. Throughout her diverse career, Anne Marie has maintained high professional standards through diligence and open-mindedness, and therefore managed to maintain a core client base. Since 2002 she has used her experience and training to improve the standard of research communication in Africa. Anne Marie holds an MSc in Hydrobiology, and a BEd in Zoology and Botany. She also has a postgraduate diploma in mass communication. Before becoming a consultant, she was Head of Publishing at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI).


Elizabeth Rege

Elizabeth is currently a Teaching Assistant in the Performing Arts department at Brookhouse School. A creative, aggressive and motivated university graduate with a degree in Psychology and a minor in French. Her love and interest in the human psyche and helping her peers through difficult situations has led her to pursue a career in psychology, and plan to begin her journey to attain a Masters in Music Therapy. Through high school and University, she was part of various community service programs where the students would give back to the society. She volunteered at a number of children’s homes and animal rescue programs. Determination and hard work, as well as her inquisitive nature have piloted the success of various areas of my life. She combines effective communication skills with strategic planning to deliver a good outcome for both customer and company whilst working as part of a larger team or even sometimes solely. Being visually aware, strict with deadlines, time conscious and a perfectionist have all led to her achievement in all areas of her life and enabled her to juggle all the responsibilities she has to date, successfully.


Lusike Wasilwa

Lusike Wasilwa holds a post-doctorate from Rutgers University, New Jersey, PhD in Plant Science and a MSc in Horticulture from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and, a BSc degree in Agriculture from University of Eastern Africa, Baraton. Dr Wasilwa has authored/co-authored scientific and technical papers in plant pathology, fruit, nut, oil crops & vegetable research; mainstreaming biodiversity for food, nutrition and agro-ecology. Her current research focuses on mainstreaming biodiversity to contribute to food, nutrition and income security and issues pertaining to sustaining agro-ecologies. Dr Wasilwa advocates use of precision agriculture for increased production and productivity with special emphasis in crop protection, reduction of pre-and-postharvest losses, and advancing best agronomic practices. She is the Director of Crops Systems of Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization where she provides leadership in integrated food, horticulture and industrial crops product value chains for increased commercialisation and competitiveness. Dr Wasilwa serves as the Governing Board Member of the East African Science & Technology Commission; Advisory Board of the Institute for PICO-EA; Advisory Committees of Horticulture Impact Project-SNV; FAO Agro-ecology and Kenya Avocado Project. Lusike served as the Chair and Vice Chair of the Horticulture International Advisory Board for HortCRSP. She served on the Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Programme grants advisory and approval committee and the advisory board for the African Journal for Horticultural Science. Dr. Wasilwa is a recipient of 3 medals from International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) in recognition of service and a fellowship from Gender and Diversity Rockefeller Fellowship Programme to enhance the careers of women crop scientists in East Africa. She was recognized by AWARD (African Women in Agriculture Research Development) for her dedication and commitment to excellence in mentoring from 2008 to 2010.


Wanjiru Kamau

Dr. Wanjiru Kamau is at the moment the co-founder and Executive Director of Mavuuno Greenhouses – a social entrepreneurship business whose mission is to fight hunger and reduce poverty. Through Mavuuno, she promotes organic farming. Before Mavuuno Greenhouses, Kamau founded and became President/CEO of The African Immigrant & Refugees Foundation (AIRF) a non-profit organization in June 2000. AIRF facilitates the effective transition of African immigrants to the American society and supports their productive and sustainable integration. It’s incorporated in Maryland and in the District of Columbia but provides services worldwide. Through her work with the AIRF, Dr. Kamau received the 2011 Purpose Prize Award from Civic Venture for her innovative and replicable Youth program – Catching UP (CUP). CUP provides group and individual support, multicultural counseling and intercultural communication. The program also provides leadership training, civic education, African centered discussions, mentoring and referrals. She has held many leadership positions in women’s and civic organizations both in Kenya and the US and won numerous awards. Kamau is a Kenyan-born educator and social activist with a philosophical grounding in multiculturalism and gender equity. She holds a Doctorate in Counselor and Health Education and an MA in Psychological Counseling both from the Pennsylvania State University. She also has diploma in Mediation and Intercultural training and has extensive experience in counseling, teaching, consulting in mental health, and African Cultural Competency Training. From 2003-2008, Kamau was a Visiting Scholar at the University of Maryland. From 1996-1999, she worked as the Senior Diversity Planning Analyst and Adjunct Professor at the Pennsylvania State University. From 1977-1995 she was Assistant Dean of Students at the University of Nairobi. Dr. Kamau’s research and publications are on Mental Health, African women’s health issues and indigenous knowledge. She has produced two videos: Adolescent Rites of passage and A Child of Two Worlds: a tool for African Cultural Competency Training.

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