Leadership Training, Individual & Team Mentorship Programs & Executive Coaching

Our Leadership and Team Development support focuses on:
Leadership and Personal Mastery skills training, Group Facilitation Skills Training and Participatory Methods. Causing change requires more than just technical skills: it requires skills to lead, manage and influence others. These skills have a critical place in modern science due to the emerging realization that leaders are not exclusively born but can also be trained, mentored and nurtured and ECI-Africa offers this training, mentorship and coaching. Our team development process is aimed at creating a facilitative, supportive and enjoyable work environment to help the team achieve individual goals as well as the bigger institutional goal. This may include conflict resolution, team building or capacity building. Through a diagnostic process, we are able to gain deeper insight and determine the team’s issues and dynamic, design a coaching session or retreat focusing on improving the enhancing the leadership skills, improving the team’s cohesion and facilitating critical discussions on issues that need to be addressed to enable an individual to master themselves to enable the team to work as one.

Projects we have supported

The Agriculture and Agro-Industries- East Africa (AHAI-4) Division is responsible for providing deep sector knowledge, operational expertise, lessons, and best practices to the 13 Regional Member Countries in East Africa in the field of agriculture, agroindustry and agribusiness development, and natural resources management. The team builds and maintains key relationships within the Bank, with Sector Complex staff and others as needed, and external to the Bank, such as with government officials, civil society leaders, and technical experts to support due diligence during the development of projects.

At the end of 2022, the Bank’s President pointed out the need to start pushing accelerated delivery and accountability for results with a greater sense of excellence, innovation, and urgency. This push should be in line with the Bank’s draft new Ten-Year Strategy (TYS) with new priorities and new ambitions for 2024-2033.

In February 2023 AHAI-4 Division organized a staff retreat to discuss the Division’s performance and to draw on lessons to improve business delivery in 2023 and beyond. As a follow-up to the 2023 retreat, AHAI-4 team held another staff retreat from 5th to 9th February 2024 to reflect on the previous year’s performance – including progress to date on “how we work” and also to plan for 2024. ECI-Africa designed and facilitated the retreats in 2023 and 2024.

The McKnight Collaborative Crop Research Program (CCRP) Leadership Support Project sought to strengthen leadership and management capacity for agricultural research and development (R&D) in Eastern Africa (EAf) and Southern Africa (SAf) Communities of Practice (CoPs) through a facilitated mentoring and coaching process targeting early career professionals. This is in response to the realization that: a large segment of current agricultural R&D leaders is ageing and there is no system of ensuring continuity of initiatives; implementation of the McKnight’s CCRP’s dynamic approaches such as the agro-ecological intensification (AEI) concepts require leaders who can influence change, and; current institutional leaders in agricultural R&D are professionals in bio-physical sciences, but lack specific training in leadership.

ECI-Africa implemented the leadership mentorship program for next generation research leaders in eastern and southern Africa for the CCRP, aimed at strengthening leadership and management of ARD in East and Horn of Africa, and Southern Africa through a facilitated mentoring and coaching process targeting early career professionals.

ECI-Africa facilitated the ICRAF Communications Unit Staff Retreat in 2019, whose objectives were to review and assess the current state of ICRAF’s communication function, identify challenges and opportunities; propose clear and workable recommendations for improvement of the communications function at ICRAF (including the role, structure, function, positioning and resourcing of communications), and get to know each other better and forge stronger relationships with non-communications staff.

Funder/ Partner: World Agroforest Centre (ICRAF)

Geographical coverage: Kenya

Period of implementation: January-February 2020

Description:  The ICRAF TREEs Theme is one of the four priority themes within ICRAF, and aims to deliver on the best science and best proofs of concept required for safeguarding tree diversity, domesticating trees and delivering suitable tree planting material to growers.  The TREEs Theme Team Staff Retreat was held on February 17-19, 2020 at Maasai Lodge in Rongai, Kajiado County, Kenya.  The objectives of the retreat were: to provide an opportunity for the staff to spend quality time together outside the work environment and get to know each other better, to identify and discuss ways to improve their team cohesiveness and productivity, and come up with strategic steps that they can take as individuals and as a team to create a facilitative, productive, supportive and enjoyable work environment. Emerge-Africa provided expert team building services which encompassed: pre-retreat diagnostic interviews with selected staff aimed at gaining deeper insight into the team issues and dynamics; design of the retreat process in consultation with the TREEs Theme Team; facilitation and documentation of the retreat workshop; and debriefing sessions following the retreat with relevant team members within and outside of the TREES Theme.

Funder/ Partner: World Agroforest Centre (ICRAF)

Geographical coverage: Kenya

Period of implementation: July 2019 & March 2016

Description: The ICRAF Communications Team Retreat was held on July 17-19, 2019 at the Great Rift Valley Lodge in Naivasha, Kenya.  The aim of the retreat was to provide an opportunity for the ICRAF Communications Staff to spend quality time together to deliberate on ways to build a strong team that ‘delivers as one’.  The retreat was also intended at identifying and reaching agreement on a set of actions that can be taken at individual and team levels to create a facilitative, supportive and enjoyable work environment. The specific objectives of the meeting were: i) to have a shared understanding, and achieve closure on a recent incident in the team, ii) to agree on principles that will guide the team on how to work better together to improve cohesion and delivery as a team going forward, and iii) to share concepts and tools that can be used to minimize and manage conflict in the workplace.  ECI-Africa designed and conducted the retreat with a focus not only on improving team cohesion but also sharing some key leadership skills, and facilitating critical conversations that a team needs to have in order for members to discover each other, the work content and its dynamics (including work flow and interconnections), the work place, as well as why and how ‘working as one’ would help the team achieve their individual goals (as set out in their job descriptions) as well as the bigger institutional goal.

In March 8th -10th, 2016, the team held a similar retreat titled ‘Rethinking Communications @ICRAF.’ The meeting was held as part of a process for developing a new, hands-on ICRAF Communications Strategy. The overall goal was to develop recommendations towards improving the role, function, structure, and resourcing of ICRAF communications.  The recommendations would feed into the writing of the communications strategy detailing what to do and how to strengthen ICRAF communications. The strategy will be presented to all non-communications staff for input, and then to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and the Board for approval. The specific objectives of the workshop were: i) to review and assess the current state of ICRAF’s communication function, identifying challenges and opportunities; ii) to make clear and workable recommendations for improvement of the communications function at ICRAF (including on role, structure, function, positioning and resourcing of communications); and iii) to get to know one another better, build a communications team and forge stronger relationships with non-communications staff. ECI-Africa designed the meeting process, and facilitated and documented the meeting.  Through a facilitative approac, and participatory methodologies, the participants were guided through group and plenary discussions to identify challenges facing ICRAF’s Comms currently; and make recommendations towards improving the role, structure, monitoring and evaluation, and resourcing of the communications unit. Above all, the forum provided an opportunity for the Comms and non-Comms team to interact, identify points of convergence and divergence, and begin to work together as a team.

Executive coaching of PACA leadership and facilitating team building through a series of retreats and coaching sessions to orient new staff members, provide basic leadership skills, promote team work and a positive productive work atmosphere, and to create a strong team that would facilitate delivery of PACA mission in coming years.

The focus of the retreat was on improving functional relationships among team members and with national partner institutions.

The  focus on team building – for the middle and senior management teams

Leadership and management capacity development of mid- and senior-level research managers of National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) in Rwanda, Burundi and Sudan; and mentoring program for early career scientists under Strengthening Capacity for Agricultural Research and Development in Africa (SCARDA) in 2009-2010 – focused on ‘managing for results in national program research contexts.

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